Yep, that's right. Only one more chemo treatment to go! Sweet! Three of these four Red Devil treatments are done and behind me, already, despite only going once every three weeks. Time sure is going by quickly.
What's new? Anything? Not really, and then yes. I am still feeling great. It is amazing how good I feel and what it really has done to lift my spirits. Feeling like a normal person, doing normal things. I swear I had almost forgotten what that is like. I am taking advantage of it for sure, within reason of course. Nothing too drastic, because I don't want to fall down hard core style. I already feel like I have been through the wringer time and time again throughout this shit.
The nurses and doctors must think I am crazy too. They ask what symptoms I am having, and I tell them not really any, and I've never felt better, except prior to my treatment. They look at me crossed eyed almost because if you recall, these rounds of chemo should have knocked me on my ass, and hit even harder than the first medication they had me on. Nope, I have had the complete opposite experience. Granted, my cell counts are down, as to be expected, because I was told that is what happens with everyone. I seem to think that comes without saying when they have seen it so many times. The only thing I notice, which has really become my new normal is sleeping in 12 hour shifts. Fortunately I haven't been taking any naps since I started this Red Devil, and that has been a nice change, because that hardly made me feel like an adult.
As long as things stay on track, my last chemo treatment will be on August 8th, 2022. That's just over two weeks from now. To think at this point, I have been going through this for almost 6 months to the day is mind boggling. It really is. I can't believe so much time has passed so quickly already, and here I am almost done with this phase of my journey. Then it'll be time to ring the bell........