Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Decision Made

After thinking this over for a while, I have decided to move forward with 3D nipple tattoos. My PS office called me a few weeks ago and scheduled that appointment; I told her I was still undecided. but yes, let's book this appointment before all the spots are filled up and I have to wait. I want 2023 to wrap up with a bang! Let's just get this shit done.

So my tattoo day is December 15th; I am just shy of two weeks away from this. I haven't looked at any 3D nipples since the beginning of my treatment, nor do I have any in mind. I think I will just go with some "standard" ones. I have seen some interesting ones in the past when I googled them..........and trust me, you can find them too. The most unique ones I saw, each nipple was the tongue logo from the band "Kiss" (see below if you don't know what I'm talking about Willis). I mean that takes super fan to another level and then some. I am not a super fan that much, of anything. Ha.

Sometimes you have to leave it to the experts to do their job because they are the subject matter experts. Period. It's just that simple. I absolutely trust all my doctors, especially on this cancer journey I have been on. They do this every day. I went through this once, and I'm good. 10/10 I would not recommend cancer; as if we have a choice. But do what you do and pray it away if need be. 

I am looking forward to getting my first ever tattoos that I won't be able to feel. Ha, jokes is on you cancer, I get nipple tattoos and no pain! With the feeling gone from my chest down to below where my belly button used to be, I could get a mural! Not happening.

I am so so so close to wrapping up not only my cancer journey, treatments, surgeries, and tattoos, but also 2023. I am starting off 2024 in style, and I can't wait!

I mean, really? Is this what you want to see as nipples every time you look in a mirror? Hard pass for me. But to each their own, live your life and do what makes you happy!

Friday, November 3, 2023

I Am Free! No More Restrictions!

That's right! I am free. It's been 6 weeks since my surgery and I have no more restrictions! At least that's what I was told, so I am running with that, maybe literally!!

I can do whatever I want. No more exercise restrictions, lifting restrictions, activity restrictions, sex restrictions, and the list goes on and on. Yahoo!

I am looking forward to doing all the things, although I have been down for the count for so long, it is going to take me some time to get my stamina built back up. I have slowly been working on it; weather contingent, I take my dogs for a walk twice a day. I figured that was a good, healthy way to start because I needed to "take it easy". It's a good introduction for me, and gets the pups out getting some exercise too.

I still haven't decided on nipple tattoos. The 3D tattoos look so realistic it's crazy. Part of me thinks, just get them, and complete the circle of looking as much like "normal" as I can, and the other part of me thinks, fuck, I have been through enough, why do more to myself? But, there's a huge pro in 3D nipple tattoos. Not only for aesthetic purposes, but because I had a double mastectomy, all my nerves were cut, and therefore I have no feeling in my chest. Well hell, basically from my breasts down to below where my belly button used to be! NO feeling. It's weird, and I get ghost itching, which super sucks.

So what to do, what to do? If I end up deciding to go the route of 3D nipple tattoos, I will have them done next month, in December sometime. If not, I am completely done with all this! All this time I have waited! Wow! 

So I am going to ponder my options a bit longer, and once I make a decision, I will share it. What to do, what to do? 

My Final Post, And I Am Closing This Chapter Of My Life

Today is December 18, 2023. 2 years ago to the day, I had the mammogram that would forever change my life. And here I sit, 2 years later, ca...