Saturday, July 23, 2022

What?!? Only One More Treatment To Go? Already?

Yep, that's right. Only one more chemo treatment to go! Sweet! Three of these four Red Devil treatments are done and behind me, already, despite only going once every three weeks. Time sure is going by quickly. 

What's new? Anything? Not really, and then yes. I am still feeling great. It is amazing how good I feel and what it really has done to lift my spirits. Feeling like a normal person, doing normal things. I swear I had almost forgotten what that is like. I am taking advantage of it for sure, within reason of course. Nothing too drastic, because I don't want to fall down hard core style. I already feel like I have been through the wringer time and time again throughout this shit.

The nurses and doctors must think I am crazy too. They ask what symptoms I am having, and I tell them not really any, and I've never felt better, except prior to my treatment. They look at me crossed eyed almost because if you recall, these rounds of chemo should have knocked me on my ass, and hit even harder than the first medication they had me on. Nope, I have had the complete opposite experience. Granted, my cell counts are down, as to be expected, because I was told that is what happens with everyone. I seem to think that comes without saying when they have seen it so many times. The only thing I notice, which has really become my new normal is sleeping in 12 hour shifts. Fortunately I haven't been taking any naps since I started this Red Devil, and that has been a nice change, because that hardly made me feel like an adult.

As long as things stay on track, my last chemo treatment will be on August 8th, 2022. That's just over two weeks from now. To think at this point, I have been going through this for almost 6 months to the day is mind boggling. It really is. I can't believe so much time has passed so quickly already, and here I am almost done with this phase of my journey. Then it'll be time to ring the bell........

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

What's Up? Just Checking In.....

Just here to check in. Kind of off the beaten path of when I normally do an update, but here I am, all for your reading pleasure 😉

Last week, I had another infection in my gums. Like really, another one? Because the first one wasn't enough? That is a thing of the past now. I got another round of antibiotics, and it's gone. Fortunately, it didn't really impact me much as I caught it earlier than the first one. 

So what's new? Again, yes, once again, just like after my first treatment, I have been feeling "normal". By "normal" I mean back to how I felt before all of this started. It is such a great feeling. I know I missed feeling normal, and now that I have that back, I am ecstatic! I feel like a regular person, who can do whatever I need to do, don't need help, and don't get tired after a few minutes. It's honestly a huge relief. It is an amazing feeling!

What am I doing now that I am feeling normal? Not taking naps! Keeping up with housework, because as we all know, that's normal. It's the necessary evil. I have also worked on a scrapbook I am making specifically for this journey in my life. It's called "My Shitty Titty Story". I made the cover for it a few months or so ago and never had the energy to put into doing any more with it. Then, with this new found regular level of energy, I spent two full days working on it and have it finished. Wow! That even surprised me. (For those of you that have no idea, that is an incredibly short amount of time to get a scrapbook done). It is finished to date. As my journey is not yet over, I will be adding more pictures to it as time goes on and I get further into whatever is next. Radiation, surgeries, etc. 

Oh and I have something else to share. 4 days ago, I noticed my head felt different. What do I mean? At some point every day, I rub my head. That may sound weird, as it does to me, but remember, I have no hair. I haven't had hair in 3.5 months now. It is a normal thing for me to touch my head at least at this point. Perhaps similar to a woman running her hands through her hair. I don't know. Anyways, I ask my sister to look at it. Does it look different? No, she says. Next day, same thing. And the following day, same thing. Still getting the same answer, and I swear I am not losing my mind, my head feels different. I finally get a close up in the mirror and guess what?!? My hair is growing back. WOW! It literally looks and feels like peach fuzz.  Not what I was expecting to see. Now the mystery will be how it grows back. I can't wait to see!

So as uneventful, or eventful as my life is, that's all I've got for now. Every day is a new adventure, and it's been a great few weeks! I am optimistic that the weeks coming will be even better!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Here It Is, Less Than A Week Later With Another Update? Hmmmm.

So yes, earlier than usual and another update. Why? Just because I have some great news to share, and then just some news.

Let's start off with the great news, because the other stuff is just info really. So I had my second round of Red Devil 6 days ago, so not long ago at all. The last time I went through this, it was a shit show. Well, at least for now, that has changed. I have had a great week! I have felt great, almost back to my old self again! It is truly amazing. I didn't take one nap either! Yes, I had to go to my oncologist every damn day, but getting those injections to increase my white blood cell counts may be the trick. I'm not sure, but I am taking this victory without a doubt! I haven't felt this good in so long, and I hope it lasts. My energy level has been so much better, and I feel like I was able to take bigger steps and just the not being so worn out part has been tremendous!

On just the info side, I discovered today, that I only have a few eyelashes remaining, and the same with my eyebrows. I never wear makeup, so that wasn't a dead giveaway to me. Honestly, I don't care, I know they will grow back. The way I discovered this is kind of funny to me. This morning, I was rubbing my eye because I felt like there was something in there. I got it out, but noticed the "missing" hairs at that same moment. I had a friend once tell me who was going through breast cancer when she lost her eyelashes, ear hair and nose hair, it was very very apparent. You dont realize what these little hairs do to protect foreign objects from entering different orifices in your body. I sure do now and I can relate to what she told me. Just another one of those things this battle brings on, although very minimal.

I hope to keep riding this wave of feeling good. I love having this opportunity to feel "normal" again after all this time. Such a breath of fresh air.

I am creating a Breast Cancer Scrapbook. 
I just finished the cover, which I designed and custom made. I am elated with how it turned out!

My Final Post, And I Am Closing This Chapter Of My Life

Today is December 18, 2023. 2 years ago to the day, I had the mammogram that would forever change my life. And here I sit, 2 years later, ca...