Sunday, August 13, 2023

No News Is Good News, Right?

Yes, no news is good news in this case. Nothing significant is going on right at this moment. I have my surgery scheduled which is about 5 weeks from now. Of course I have pre op shit to do and all that, but not quite yet.

Can you believe I am still packing my belly button every day? This fucking thing still hasn't completely healed. WOW. I didn't expect this to be a fucking summer long commitment for the love of god. Kids were still in school and are now back in session and I am still fucking with this thing. It's so close to being so so close. I will be seeing my PS in a few short weeks, so I will wait to see what he says then.

Overall, I think I am feeling good. Not 100%, but complaining doesn't get me anywhere. I just take this time to think back to where I was a year ago, with my bald head and going through chemo. How worn down I was and sleeping.........ALOT. Sleeping is still something I feel like I need more of than I should, and I do what I can to get enough sleep every night. Most of the tie though, I don't think I sleep as much or as good as I need to. Still working on that getting comfortable part of all this.

On a funnier note, I finally have my hair in pigtails. Two, not three like I have been wearing my hair. It has been so god damn hot here, and although I don't really spend any time outside, I still dont want my hair touching my face or neck. And as my hair grows, my god, the curls are curlier than ever! When will it stop? Now I feel like it's a challenge in a way to see how long my hair will get and if the curls stay in tact or eventually fall out..........

That's it this time around. Keeping it short and sweet but wanted to check in. So until there's more news in a few weeks, I'm out!

I know you can't tell from the pic, but my hair is about 5"-6" long now. 💖 it!

My Final Post, And I Am Closing This Chapter Of My Life

Today is December 18, 2023. 2 years ago to the day, I had the mammogram that would forever change my life. And here I sit, 2 years later, ca...