Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Final Countdown

3 days until chemo. Yikes. It's getting close. Like very very close, yet I am not at all nervous. Excellent. I have been sleeping pretty well, and now my bestie is here with me. That immediately makes everything better regardless of what I may be feeling, thinking, wanting or not, it's all way in the back of my mind now.

I am excited to pick her up at the airport because it's just been too long since I saw her last, which was about 6 months ago, God damn Covid fucking with my life and now this cancer bullshit too. Go fuck yourselves, you bastards with your BS tactics trying to take me down. Nope. Not happening. With that being said, interestingly enough, I heard a song recently, and it is more than fitting for me and what I am going through. Unstoppable by Sia. You can listen to it here courtesy of      I listen to this song, and think fuck ya! Let's do this. Anyone that knows me and knows me well will likely agree. If not, I would love to hear suggestions on a better fitting song :)

Back to where I left off. My bestie is here. Woohoo! We decide (well I decide, because she says we will do whatever I want to do), to have one last hoorah party until this shit is all over with. We go out, have some drinks and eat. We had a really good time, although it was a very long day for both of us. But we have the coming days to spend time together and do whatever we want, until my schedule dictates otherwise.

She is here for 4 days, and we really did make the best of them. The most important day being that Day One has come. Day one of chemo. How did I even fucking get here? I have to do chemo. Fuck me.

Well day one it is, Monday, March 7, 2022. My bestie and I go to my oncologists office, and I meet with him, and she is there by my side. The visit goes really well. I really like Dr. Taboada, a lot. But that was the easy part. Now off to the infusion room. I swear I would have never known what that was if it wasn't for all this shit I am going through. 

The nurse taking care of me, Shelby, is fantastic. Super sweet, patient young lady. Thankfully these genuinely caring people do exist. I may really need that. But here is my bestie, still sitting at my side :) So here are some tips, things I learned from a neighbor who is going through the same thing I am. Thank you so much Kristy! You have no idea how much easier you have made things for me by just sharing your own experience and what you are going through and have been through to this point already. 

  • Numb the area where your port is to reduce the pain
  • Take anti nausea candies, lollipops, tea, whatever you have, it helps
  • Take your regiment of medications as prescribed and maybe then some to get ahead of the shit coming
  • Function how you normally do so you have a sense of normalcy

So with those things being said, here is my experience. I used NumbMaster for my port, put it on an hour before I was due to start chemo, worked like a charm. I literally felt nothing. Nothing at all. Perfect! I took my meds that morning that I was supposed to, followed by what I was supposed to take after, along with Claritin and Tylenol. Ya, I don't have time to feel shitty. Not today! I went on with my day as usual, but that's not what this is about.

I get hooked up to my port so they can place the IV in and get moving. This is a 3 hour dose today. Damn. Glad my bestie is here by my side to hang with me. She is so supportive. The whole process goes so smooth it almost seems surreal. No pain, and not the slightest inclination of anything being out of the ordinary in my life, even after all this. I mean I am tied, but that's nothing new for me over the last several weeks. Wow. I am dumbfounded, but don't let me get too hyped up on myself. Shelby let me know next week is going to be harder. Great, just great.

Chemo, Day One with my bestie

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