Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Only 6 More Days To Go!

That's right, only 6 more days to go until my biggest surgery yet! And all the things that are happening this week, WOW!

It's probably a good thing Monday was Memorial Day because the rest of this week has been busy so far and it's only Wednesday. And it isn't over yet!

I met with the OB oncologist yesterday. We discussed the surgery after next, which is the remainder of my hysterectomy. He said normally he would wait a few months after a DIEP flap, however, given that I have already had a partial hysterectomy and only have my ovaries left, it is a much quicker and easier surgery. I am going to go back and see him a month after this next surgery, and we will go from there. Depending on how I feel will determine when I he will operate. I am going to hope I am on the road to recovery quick because I mine as well heal from all surgeries at one time instead of getting knocked down, picking myself back up, just to do it all over again. No thanks. I mentioned that to him too and his facial expression told me that isn't something he hears almost ever.

I also went to my breast surgeon's office and did a lymphedema check. I do this every three months as this is a risk due to my lymph node removal in my right armpit. Well, all is good. Yes!!! That's great to hear, of course.

And the good news just keeps coming. I had to go to my oncologist office to pick up the CD from my CT scan last week. I need to get it to my plastic surgeon before my surgery next week as he needs to review it. So naturally, I had the report and CD in my possession, and read the report before I dropped it off. My oncologist hasn't posted it on my portal yet because he hasn't reviewed the results with me, but I know now, everything looks great!!! I was worried for a minute because last time I thought they posted the results to my portal even before I met with him. That was in December, so I could be mistaken.

And on to the next. I went for an ultrasound today. The OB oncologist ordered it because he needs to make sure everything looks good and placement of my ovaries. I found out today that we women have a "vaginal cuff". WTF? A vaginal fucking cuff? It sounds like a pussy lap-band. That's not what it is. But what I learned is that when you have a partial hysterectomy and your ovaries remain, they have to attach them somewhere, otherwise they would kind of just float around because they are no longer attached to your fallopian tubes. Interesting. So internal and external ultrasounds complete. At least that's over and hopefully that's the last time I'll ever have to do that. It was an uncomfortable procedure.

I also had more questions for my plastic surgeon before surgery. He's what I learned about this now. I should not have any additional scars on my chest. He will likely go in through the previous incisions. Score! That's exactly what I was hoping for. There may be one "patch", but that'll only happen if he needs more space to get in. It appears that I will also finally be getting "deported" next week (my medi-port where chemo was administered). Another win! As long as he gets approval in writing from my breast surgeon, he will remove it (and she already gave me her blessing last week, so I know I am in excellent shape). On another note, I will not be getting the feeling in my chest back. I suspected as that is what I was told a long time ago, but I didn't know if a tissue transfer, given that it's my own body material, would change that. Nope. Done deal. I am used to it by now so it's all good. The best news of all, I should have everything all wrapped up by the end of this year. Touch up surgery and 3D nipple tattoos too! Dang. That's fucking awesome. That means I am 6 months from finishing all this shit! What great news!

So what else? As of right now, only one more appointment this week. I have to do my pre op testing on Friday. I just found that out today. Wonderful. How many trips can I make to the hospital in a short period of time? Many. But it's all for the greater good, as always.

Can't wait......6 more days to go! I am more than looking forward to closing this chapter!!

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