Monday, May 22, 2023

Time Is Ticking.....

It's like the official time is ticking. I have 15 days to go before my reconstructive surgery. Fuck. It's really soon.

I am going to be so glad to get this over with and behind me. I really am. I think there's so many things that I have thought about in relation to my surgery that I feel like for a while I am just going to be down for the count, and I will be. I mean think about it, it's a major surgery.

I spoke with my plastic surgeon today, and have all of my questions answered, on all the things I wanted to know. I am sure he could have told me a lot more, but I did tell him early on in the conversation that I did not want the details about what it is EXACTLY that he is going to do. I explained to him that I am fine have the general idea. I think too much information in this instance would not do me any favors. One thing he mentioned is that I am the perfect candidate for this type of surgery and he would not have recommended anything other than this DIPE flap surgery I am going to have. So, basically he said it really politely. I am fat enough to move forward with this. Cool, thanks to my oncologists office who fattened me up during chemo.

So here's what I found out based on what I asked today. My surgery itself will be about 6-8 hours long. Yikes! That's a long fucking time. Man am I going to get a phenomenal nap in that day! Lol. I love anesthesia for that reason, however, I am sure after my surgery for the weeks to come, I will be sleeping more than not. Sleeping will of course, be the best thing for me after the fact. It is going to take about 2 months for me to recover, and I will have drains for 3-4 weeks after surgery. OMfuckingG! I hate those damn things. And I will have 3-4. Wow, even more magical than last time. If I thought the two I had last time were bad, now double that amount will super suck.

I won't be able to drive for the first two weeks or so, while I am on pain meds. Ok, I can deal with that. No heavy lifting for the first 2-3 months. He stressed the importance of this and how it could negatively impact my healing, which I totally get. I won't push it. I would rather just take the time right off the bat and heal like I should than to have to go back in and "fix" shit. 

My doctor mentioned I will have to stay overnight one night in the hospital, which is fine. Honestly, the last time, I think it was all good. My bestie got a break, and I had nurses taking care of me round the clock. It wasn't a bad gig. Not saying I would ever want to make a regular thing of it, but when it's a necessity, I'm there.

Dr. Nguyen did mention the worst of it will be the first 7-10 days; ok, thanks for that info. He also said my recovery would be similar to that of my partial hysterectomy since the surgery is similar, and minimally invasive. Awesome! That was great to hear. Clearly I am not going to be doing jumping jacks or anything ridiculous shortly there after, but I think I thought it was going to be so much worse. Let's hope not.

I have lots to do in the next few weeks, including a CT scan, a follow up appointment with my breast surgeon, and an appointment with my OB oncologist (the doctor who will do the remainder of my hysterectomy), and another appointment for my lymphedema check. Jesus. There may even be appointments I have scheduled that I am not even thinking about right now. All for the greater good, so let's do it!!!

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