Let's talk new things. What new things have I learned? Everyday is a new day, and sometimes I have a good day and sometimes I have a bad day. Sometimes my days are meh.
So what new things have I learned? I swear it's something every single day. Every day I really do learn something new.
I have learned that my hair loss, as far as eyebrows and eyelashes, may reoccur. Weird. I thought once I went through my initial hair loss, and lost all of my body hair including my eyebrows and eyelashes, once they grew back, that was it. I was good. Nope. I could go through it a few more times.
Another thing I've learned is it takes approximately one year for your body to recover from chemo. Holy shit. I was thinking a few months at best. Nope, I was wrong. That means I have the potential of another 10 months of these side effects. I still have some that are noticeable to me too. Well Fuck. I was thinking once I heal from my upcoming surgeries, boom, I am back in business. Maybe not. That was so disappointing to learn.
I know I've learned lots of other things, but they aren't coming to mind right at the moment........maybe it's chemo brain right now 😒
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