Monday, July 3, 2023

Bye! Bye! Bye!

Bye, bye, bye..........this last drain is gone as of today! Woohoo! I am so glad! No more inconveniences. It is going to be so much easier to shower, get dressed, go to the bathroom, just everything. And no more emptying the nasty ass body fluids out of the drain bulb. What a win! 

So obviously I was at my plastic surgeons office today. All in all he said I look great and I'm healing nice. Awesome. I did point out the quarter sized opening on my left breast (it came about with the infection I had a few weeks ago); he said not to worry, it looks good and when I do my touch up he will remove it and make the scar one. I thought that's what would happen and I was reassured hearing that from him.

He also mentioned that my belly button is looking great and healing up nice. He said I will notice a substantial difference over the next 2 weeks and it will look fantastic when it's all said and done. Nice! I went from thinking I wouldn't have a belly button to having one that'll look great. Perfect. I still have to stuff it with gauze daily after my shower, probably for the next few weeks. I think it will be self explanatory when I can stop doing that. But if I have questions, I know I can call. 

I had to ask about sleeping on my back and when I can go to my side, because I am 100% positive right now that sleeping on my stomach is NOT an option. It's even uncomfortable when I lay slightly on my side, but more on my back. He said a firm and solid 3 months; no negotiating on that. Well Shit. I am one day shy of 4 weeks out right now; so another 2 months to go. Fuck me. It is going to be rough. He said I will heal up really nice as long as I continue to sleep on my back. Ok, well then that's what it is.

I had lots of questions today. Another one I asked was about the swelling. How long will it last? I can certainly tell I have "shrunk" so to speak, but I can also see that I am still swollen, especially my breasts. My stomach shows signs too, but I figured in part that was due to the drain. Anyways, get this. I will be swollen for 3-6 months. Holy Shit. That's a long time. I didn't expect to hear that. It is what it is now. So no clothes shopping any time soon which is fine. This way I can continue to lose weight and get down to whatever I end up weight wise and body shape, and then it'll be easier to find things that fit instead of my weight perhaps changing over the next several months.

And last but not least in terms of questions. My PS is completely fine with doing side by side surgery with my OB oncologist so I can have both my final surgeries done at the same time! Wonderful. I was so glad to hear that. So instead of two more to go, now it's one. They just have to get their schedules to align, and I have no doubt they will. It's looking like early October right now. Cool.

I forgot about one more question I asked, which I almost didn't. It seems stupid when you think about all the questions I asked today that I felt were super important. I asked if I was able to drink alcohol. Much to my surprise, he said I can (but I am going to wait until after I finish my antibiotic, of course). He said within reason. Basically don't get black out drunk and fall or do stupid shit. Yes, of course. I am not 21 anymore and I don't do that shit. It's not worth the potential hangover the next day. That and I need to heal so doing stupid shit is just dumb. Not worth it.

To close this up, I finally weighed myself last week. First time in I don't really know how long. I don't normally weigh myself here at home since my oncologist was weighing me every visit, but great news! I have lost somewhere between 15-20 pounds, WOW! I was so glad to see that on the scale. I feel good in terms of weight loss and hope it continues. All those fucking steroids over all those months and my oncologist wanting me to put on weight for chemo treatment (I get it, and I know it was all for the greater good), but now I am on the other side of it, waiting for the weight to now come off. I guess all good things come to those who I'm waiting 😁

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