Friday, February 25, 2022

What's Next?

It's been a few day since the visit with my oncologist. In my mind, nothing has changed. It still is what it is. Breast Cancer, that needs to be treated.

It is Monday, February 21, 2022 and I arrive at the first plastic surgeon's office bright and early at 7:30 AM. Wow, it' early, especially considering I work overnight. I am never awake at this time of day, but I have business to take care of. Serious business. 

I meet Dr. Alexander Nguyen. He is great, thorough and right to the point. No wonder Dr. Anglin referred him. Exactly what I like. He wastes no time explaining all of my options. First thing. Second thing. I don't know what order they came in, but let me sum up our conversation. The day I have my double mastectomy, he would come in right after Dr. Anglin based on what I decide to do. Perfect. Let's do this in one shot. Right, oh, it's not quite that simple. 

My first option is have the double mastectomy, and be done, where he never has any part of it. He can put a "spacer" in as a place holder because he won't do anything initially because my body will be required to heal from the double mastectomy, which will take 6-9 months. Wow, this is dragging on a lot longer than I had hoped. I can then get implants, or use my own tissue to transplant into my breast area. I was surprised to learn this. I have never looked into plastic surgery, so I have no experience with this at all. 

The things to consider. Hmmm. I make my decision on my way out of his office, after weighing the pros and cons that seem to be simple. 

  • I can be flat chested (not ideal).
  • I can have breast implants placed (this would then require implant replacement surgery every 5-10 years). Too invasive for my liking.
  • I can use my own tissue, it's one surgery, and done. I like this idea. The downside is that he would take tissue from my belly which would leave a scar hip to hip.......not thrilled, however, this is essentially the same as a tummy tuck, so perhaps a bonus!??

I decide on the last option to use my own tissue. This way there is also nothing foreign in my body and I will not require any further treatment. Perfect. Sign me up. 

We didn't talk nipples. Let's not forget about those. How important are these? To me, they are very important. He tells me right away that my nipples will not be saved. I did not want to hear those words, but wait, there's more. After he told me about the implants or using my own tissue, we then got on to the nipples discussion. Did you know that there are 3D tattoo artists who can 'create' nipples for you? Simply amazing! Custom designed. Who would have ever thought this would be a thing. 

Now off to the drawing board......

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