Monday, March 14, 2022

6 Days Later. Let's See Where I'm At.

Quick Update: I finally uploaded pics from my photoshoots under my "Say Cheese" post if you want to check them out.

It's 6 days after my first chemo treatment, and the day before round 2. Oh so curious as to what's going on? Especially after that last post. Well, rest assure, I am here to update those with an inquiring mind. And let my just stop to say thank you if you are still reading my blog and following it. I am enjoying writing it. It is very relaxing for me.

A few days ago, I noted about how my body felt and how I was just moving slower in general. It's very different for me, and weird, however, things have gotten better. Victory!!! How have things gotten better? My body no longer feels off, with slight pains just trigger different spots, including my hands. I am back to moving about like normal too, walking at my same pace. Yippee!

One thing that hasn't changed in the least bit is being bloated. I actually woke up hungry today for once. Holy shit was that a relief. But that didn't last long. I ate some mixed nuts. Simple. Easy. Not filling, right? Wrong. Oh so wrong. WTF already? I swear I could eat a piece of toast, a saltine or 5 goldfish crackers and it wouldn't matter in the least. Fucking bullshit. This is so uncomfortable for me. I hope I don't have to deal with 6 months of this shit. I have even tried anti bloating stuff. I mine as well eat candy, because I notice zero changes.

I have been sleeping good too, except last night. Let's just say that is a one off. But I am sleeping 12+ hours on a good night which seems excessive. Clearly my body is telling me I need it, or I wouldn't be sleeping that long. I am just happy that I wake up and feel rested and have energy. These days, that is a win in itself.

To sum things up, I am feeling pretty decent. I like it!

What's in the week ahead? Plans. Definite plans.

Monday- 2nd chemo treatment and a wig appointment (I did buy a wig online today and I am eager to get it. It'll be about a week before I start losing my hair).

Tuesday - Getting my hairs cut. All of them! I am letting my hairdresser, Salima Subramanian, owner of Serenity Studio (on FB and Instagram at SerenityStudio17) take the reigns. She has all the power to do what she wants with my hair completely. Given that I won't have my own hair much longer, we should both have fun with it, right? Let's do it!

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - No agenda, as of yet which is great because I likely will be hitting repeat from last week, or maybe not, maybe this week will be better!

Round 2 almost down......just want to keep it moving!

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