Friday, October 6, 2023

It's Been One Week.......

It's been one week...........are you hearing the Bare Naked Ladies song? No? Here you go.....

It's been a week since my last update, but I just had to come back and share my good news. I had a post op appt with my OB Oncologist yesterday. I didn't think much of it, and went as scheduled. He gave me the great news that pathology came back and no cancer was detected in my ovaries! Yahoo! Perhaps you are wondering if this is something I was concerned about? No, not at all, however, given my BRCA1 gene, this was a very real possibility. Now, regardless that I have this gene, all possible cancer dwellings have been eliminated. Take that cancer! One less thing to have to ever think about.

Something else I learned at my appointment. I am now officially in menopause and was the moment my ovaries came out. I didn't realize it was instantaneous. Wow. Naturally my next question was about HRT (hormone replacement therapy). I have no idea if this is something I should consider or not, or how this situtation is handled. Every woman is different, of course. So what my doctor told me was the following: the average age for women to go into menopause is 48.  Holy Shit! I had no idea the age was that so young! Given that I am so close to that age, they will not put me on HRT; unless my symptoms are really bad. It's been two week since surgery and my body is already in that stage, so my symptoms are already showing themselves. He said if they aren't bad with what I have experienced the past two weeks then I will be good to go! Fantastic! It really hasn't been bad. I get hot and cold on and off at night while I am sleeping, and an occasional MILD hot flash (they were so much worse while I was going through chemo), but that's it! I'll take it. He said imagine if every woman had all the worst symptoms you hear about. The world would be full of a bunch of homicidal women all running around. Lol. He's right, and clearly, that's not what's happening. Thank god!

So now it being two weeks out from my surgery, and one week since my last am I feeling? Almost back to normal. Almost. I am not 100% yet, but I am getting there. It's so nice to feel "normal" again. Almost all of my bruises are gone too. Wow. My PS said two weeks, but when you look at yourself right out of surgery, you honestly think there's no way I am going to be back to myself in such a short amount of time. Of course, he has no reason to lie to me, and hasn't. He has absolutely set the expectations very realistically each time. And here I am, almost completely good to go. I still have internal stitches, but in due time, those will go away, as they did the last few times. 

I am so very close to being finished with all of this, and I am more than ready to move on, and put all this behind me. Fuck Cancer! 

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